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Mirror of Amenti "Mirror of Wisdom"

The Wise Ones from the Halls of Amenti

channelled by Kyria Deva


Beloved brothers and sisters of light, we are opening a gate to the Halls of Amenti. We are the Wise Ones from the Halls of Amenti, and you are now entering these noble halls.

There is the mirror of wisdom – look into this mirror. All is found written in your Book of Life, from the beginning of your life to completion; the knowledge of the entire material creation that is born from the Spirit and returns to the Spirit. Therefore, it is the book of your whole life, not only this one, but of all lives. The Book of Life is kept there showing itself in this mirror, just as if you watched a movie. You may immerse and experience the Book of Life in which everything is written down. Mysteries of creation, your deepest secrets, they are revealed and redeemed. You may plunge into it every time – ask for salvation and redeem it. You may wonderfully connect with Mother Earth. Your Earth Chakras, the connection to Earth, will become clearer and clearer, as you reconcile with yourself. Then you are able to accept yourself the way you are, you are able to forgive yourself. And it frees you, you return to your roots, to the origin; you travel back and unite the beginning with the future, that what you will become. Then you are the Master of Time and Space.

And we, the Wise Ones from the Halls of Amenti, accompany you every time; we assist you, protect you and disclose new knowledge and secrets every time. We are the guardians of wisdom and of mankind´s greatest treasures. Perceive yourself as a thousand personalities and beings – reconnect them with yourself. Everything you have denied, everything you wanted to separate is now returning to you healed. The aspect of yourself, which sadly had to steal away, is allowed return, is allowed to be healed, to be reintegrated. As above, so below - as below, so above. This knowledge is One with the Divine. It is the Mirror of Wisdom from Amenti which grants you access and reconciles you with Earth, with yourself. It reconnects you to Oneness, healing everything within you that was lost – leading you back to the beginning. The Alpha and Omega will be reconciled and united ... and you realize: you are neither better nor worse. You are simply raised through this knowledge, through the power of love – the power of love allowing you to take yourself into your arms. All aspects you have turned away from or condemned will be reintegrated in your heart and transformed; forgiving yourself intensifies your power. It elevates you to the stars and you shall be a bright, sparkling star in the divine firmament.
"And the Wise Ones will shine like a star to eternity." So it is written. A Wise  One has gone through all, has experienced all, elevated all to the Divine and was raised. And so be it.

Be welcome and be blessed from the Wise Ones of Amenti who have been guarding this Earth since the beginning. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And the energy of the Sphinx is also present. She is the guardian of all secrets, she actually exists in the Spirit. She merges the angelic being with the earthly being. The animal body represents the animal which unites with the angel, thereby forming a new creation, transformed and lifted. And she carries this power within to induce transformation – the Sphinx. She reveals her energy merely to a few, yet we may invoke her: Guardian of all secrets of Amenti, guardian of the mysteries of creation, transformer. All stages of transformation are within her. Therefore, we can go from octave to octave in her. She can raise us from any stage to the next, as she knows all stages of transformation. Her Third Eye is filled with the energy of Melchisedek from whom she originated. And so be it.


Now it is like an open secret allowing the new to break forth; a new level of consciousness. The blessing of Melchisedek is upon us. High Priest from Eternity to Eternity, One with the Holy Trinity. And so it is.

Through the Halls of Amenti we come into contact with the Primordial Creator and Melchisedek, who knows all secrets of creation, custodian of all secrets. Therefore, heaven and earth merge within us. We send all the light to Earth and realize that all secrets may now be revealed to the New Humankind.

And when we are ready, we may return.





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