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Manifestation with Metatron - The Master Soul Awakes - Overview

Lightlord Metatron and the Enlightened Ones activate
the Golden Flow of abundance, fluidity and fortune on all levels within you.


Training Duration: 2 days


engelCurrent Dates:

Currently not planned for 2015



engelIntention of the Training

Intention of the Training is to activate your Divine Life Plan and learn to manifest in the highest good for yourself. You will connect to the Golden Flow of the Universe in order to bring in abundance, flow and fortune into your life. You will receive techniques and meditations to dissolve limitations over time and space and anchor your divine manifestation powers. Archangels and Ascended Masters will accompany you throughout the seminar.

engelSeminar Content

  • Cleansing and Alignment of chakras and aura
  • Principles and pre-requisites of manifestation
  • How does it serve you to learn how to manifest?
  • Activating your divine life plan
  • Awakening your Kundalini Power
  • The golden flow of the universe of abundance, fluidity and fortune in your life
  • Dissolving limitations over time and space: create your own transformation matrix
  • Manifesting with the Merkaba
  • Diving into the Master Consciousness – "The Master Soul Awakes".
  • Creating a personal vision board for your golden future
  • The Manifestation Pyramid
  • Meditations, initiations and channellings with Archangels and Ascended Masters.



  • Litios Introductory Seminar
  • L1 & L2 seminar
  • Part 1 Metatron Diamond Light Priest Training


Lightlord Metatron: Welcome to the Golden New Age, where you manifest your light presence.


Excerpt of Channelling from Lightlord Metatron on abundance, flow and fortune.

Beloved Ones, this is Metatron and once again I raise you and elevate you to the metaposition, to the higher plane of your Higher Self, from where you can observe your human beingness in the here and now. From this level and viewpoint, you know that you possess unlimited creative potential because you are linked with the flow of eternal life, with the flow of the Holy Spirit that permeates all with the Almightiness of God, with the All-Love of God, with the everlasting creative power that constantly renews, redefines, transforms and elevates the entire Creation through the eternal divine stream, out of the flow of eternal life.

Creation exists eternally and yet is continuously changing, for we here also never stand still. We open ourselves to change and transformation. We open ourselves to the continuously, renewing energy out of the primordial Heart of God. And so for us, change and renewal is refreshing and vitalizing and we welcome it from the deepest part of our being because even we do not wish to be "bored". We see these as a stimulation, as the eternal and enduring flow of life through all.



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