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The Crystalline Light Body Intensive - Overview

Lightlord Metatron and the Ascended Masters guide us and
activate the crystalline light consciousness of the New Age in you.


Lord Sananda:
I will erect a new soul temple in you within 3 days.
You will experience 3 days of divine reality, in the crystalline light of the New Age 

Training Duration: 3 days


engelCurrent Dates:

Currently not planned in this season


engelIntention of the Training

Lightlord Metatron and the Ascended Masters guide us and activate the crystalline light consciousness of the New Age in you.
Experience an intensive increase of light vibration in all the chakras and energy bodies.
Lord Sananda ignites the golden Christ light in you.

engelSeminar Content

  • Metatron explains the crystalline light body
  • How do I obtain a crystalline light body?
  • How do I stabilize it, how do I renew it in the divine radiating power?
  • Intensive purification, transformation and illumination of the aura, chakras and energy bodies with Light Crystals of the New Age
  • We learn the self-releasing of blockages, issues and extraneous energies
  • To be infused with lightness, love and light
  • Lightlord Metatron, the Archangels and the Goddesses gift each of your chakras and energy bodies with their intensive attention and divine love
  • The main chakras and the energies bodies will be connected to the gold crystalline flow of the universe and the divine crystal spheres
  • Experience a rebirth in crystalline purity and radiance – a pure temple of light is established within you
  • You are connected with the source of light and with the heart of Mother Earth
  • Meditation, initiations and channellings with Ascended Masters, Archangels and Cosmic Brothers and Sisters
  • Introduction to dowsing with Angel: the basics, pre-requisites for successful dowsing with a pendulum, practical exercises, determining the vibrations of the chakras, aura, food, etc.
  • Dowsing with a pendulum serves to extend your awareness 
  • A number of pendulums will be available for use and for purchasing


Lightlord Metatron: Beloved ones, this is Metatron and I come with my vibration of lightness and joy and bring with me the purest primordial light of creation for all worlds and dimensions to you in this time and space. Yes, now is the time of awakening, divine light portals are opening everywhere on this planet and the crystalline primordial light is streaming in. It awakens the memory of the crystalline light body in its endless beauty that is still within you.




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Seminars, Events

2024.05 AA training part 1

2024.06 AA training part 2

2024.07 AA training 3.1

2024.05 LP1 module

2024.07 LP23 module v2

2024.09 LP4 module v2


2023.10.12 Info Eve video replay 5

Light Meditation banner update

Prayer Storm v3

Events, Expos

click events 5

What are Light Crystals

2017.03.20 NY Interview v3

New Light Crystals